Load Carrying Capacity of a Chequered Plate

Load Carrying Capacity of a MS Chequered Plate

Maximum Width of Plate m B 0.6

Thickness of Plate m t 0.02

Unit Weight of Steel KN/Sqm   78.5

Live Load Consideration KN/Sqm P1 5

Yeild Stress of Plate N/sqmm Fy 215

Young Modulus of Steel KN/Sqm E 193000  

Load Calculations      

Weight of Plate KN/Sqm P2 1.57   (Thickness x Unit Weight)      

Live Load Consideration KN/Sqm P1 5

Total Load (P1+P2) KN/Sqm W 6.57  

Bending Moment Calculation      

Maximum Bending Moment Kn.m M 0.29565   WxBXB/8      

Moment of Interia mm4 I 666666.6667   (1000×20^3)/12      

Section Modulus mm3 Z 66666.66667   I/(t/2)        

Check For Bending Stress      

Actual Bending Stress N/Sqmm fs 4.43475   M/Z      

Permissible Bending Stress         0.8XYeild Strength N/Sqmm fb 172        


Check For Deflection      

Actual Deflection mm   0.000086   5xWxBxBxBxB/(384XExI)      

Allowable Deflection mm   3        







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